Thursday, May 28, 2009

Marie-Josee-Mill showed us a couple of things tonight which i would like to demonstrate on my blog.Some more interesting free programs that can be used as teaching tools.

Jing allows you to capture screenshots and record your desktop and your voice as a video. It is perfect for creating tutorial videos.

Animoto is a great application that allows you to make photo presentations similar to PhotoStory3. However, this is a web-based application

Voki allows the user to create speaking avatars. This could be useful in creating tutorials also. In fact you could conceivably create a tutorial with all three of these applications.

Also revisited Google docs. I have used Google doc before but would like to use it in the future as a way of creating dynamic collaborative online documents both with other staff and students.

Friday, May 22, 2009

image chef

Customized Soccer Jersey -

pay attention

let there be light

Oh and the other nifty thing that Euan showed us was the laptop light for those times when you are in darkness and need to see the keyboard. It's the Fn + PgUp keys which are the bottom left and the top right keys.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

first post

Tonight we went through some of the different search engines available. Sue Tapp showed us the following site which will prove useful in student research.
A fantastic visual experience for visual learners and a good way to create presentations.
Give a visual guide of the pages that you are searching for. Great for sifting through all those junk pages masqurading as useful.
A very good engine which looks very project based. Lots of maps, graphs, videos, and text based articles.

We also viewed a video on Teacher Tube about how students are digital learners and how teachers should try to be utilise technology in the classroom.